希望以电子方式存入工资支票的学生应向预算和人力服务办公室提交电子工资存款表, MG 205.

就业是菲律宾十大彩票平台大学学生经历中非常重要的一部分. 边上大学边工作可以帮助推迟教育成本, assist in learning valuable time management skills, 并在学生进入就业市场时为他们提供可转移的经验.


Finding a Student Employee

可用的职位可以通过DR2的职业服务发布.0. Create an employer account or login to your existing DR2.0账户发布职位和搜索对校园工作感兴趣的学生.

Student Employment Paperwork


如果学生以前在校园里工作过,请联系入学服务的经济援助 studentemployment@hebhgkq.com or 406-496-4223 for a student employment certification form.

If the student is new to student employment, 学生必须在招生服务处领取学生就业文件, SSC 3.其中表格、政策和程序将予解释. Contact student employment at studentemployment@hebhgkq.com or 406-496-4223.

Paying a Student Employee

Time Cards

Montana Tech uses pre-printed timecards.  一旦收到每个学生员工的完整文件,主管将通过校园邮件收到招生服务部门预打印的考勤卡.


All time cards:

  • 是否应在报告的每个工资期结束后的第一个工作日内提交给助学金办公室. 分类员工将每两周发一次工资(如果恰逢假日), cards are due by noon on the next business day);
  • 需要用墨水填写,由学生员工和主管签字;
  • 只有由主管、行政助理或其他校园官员提交才能被接受. 学生的考勤卡必须密封在由导师签名的信封中,才能被接受.


The student pay period is bi-weekly. 学生在工资期结束后两周的周三领取工资. Students that do not have direct deposit, 工资支票将邮寄到他们当前的学生就业证明表格/GRA合同/GTA合同上提供的地址.

  • 休假的学生如果想把最后一张支票寄给他们,应该向工资办公室提供一个写上地址并贴上邮票的信封, MG 205.

希望以电子方式存入工资支票的学生应向预算和人力服务办公室提交电子工资存款表, MG 205.

  • The first check after signing up for electronic deposit will be mailed to the address provided on their current Student Employment Certification Form/GRA Contract/GTA Contract; subsequent checks will be electronically deposited.

Confidentiality Issues

在许多职位中,学生可以接触到机密材料. 学生应尊重他们可能读到或无意中听到的有关学生的信息的机密性, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, donors, or vendors including income information, tax information, grade and job evaluations, documents relating to performance, salary and fringe benefits, insurance information, 账户信息和其他管理或个人信息.

所有学生雇员在开始工作时必须完成FERPA培训课程. 主管应确定所有学生雇员的保密问题.

Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Financial Aid Office
Phone: (406) 496-4223
Fax: 406-496-4705
Student Success Center, Room 3.126