Financial Awards

Teaching and Research Assistantships (GTA / GRA)

Graduate Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants are student employees. Follow the steps below to begin:

  1. 与你的主管或部门主管谈谈,代表你提交GTA/GRA合同
  2. Complete and submit all paperwork requested by the student employment coordinator
  3. 在开始工作之前,完成并归还学生就业文件是很重要的. 学生不应该开始工作,直到所有的文件都交给学生就业
  4. For more information, please visit the Student Employment webpage

It is important to complete and return your student employment paperwork on time. 在所有必要的文件都完成并上交之前,学生员工是不允许开始工作的. Incomplete paperwork is unable to be processed and may delay your paychecks.

国际学生必须持有美国社会安全卡才能在校园工作. 社会保障局一般信息与服务部可通过电话联系 1-800-772-1213. The Butte Office is located at 2201 Harrison Avenue and may be reached by calling 1-888-632-7068.

Other Information about Student Employment

  • 对于按小时计酬的研究生,每隔一周提交一次考勤卡.
  • 一旦所有文书工作由工资单处理完毕,GTA/ GRA职位将自动获得津贴
  • The student pay period is biweekly. Students are paid on the Wednesday that falls two weeks after the end of a pay period.
  • Teaching and Research Assistants will receive ten (10) paychecks per semester: September-January for Fall employment; January-May for Spring employment.
  • Graduate students must carry at least nine (9) credits unless they have a GTA or GRA, which require at least six (6) credits.
  • 学生员工每周在所有校园工作之间的工作时间不能超过20小时.

Assistantship Continuation

  • Eligibility to continue an award is determined by the Department on a semester-by-semester basis and is based upon the following criteria as well as the availability of funds: 1) satisfactory progress toward the degree; 2) maintaining a 3.0 Grade Point Average; and 3) continued registration for at least 6 credits at the 4000-5000 level for the duration of this award.
  • 因为奖励资金非常有限,而且还有其他申请人也对获得资助感兴趣, 我们要求您通过立即签署并返回您的获奖信来确认您接受这些奖项.

Tuition Waivers

学费减免由部门提供,免除州内学费和/或州外学费. 继续获得奖学金的资格由系里以学期为单位确定,并基于以下标准:

  1. Availability of funds
  2. Satisfactory progress toward the degree
  3. Maintaining a 3.0 Grade Point Average
  4. 在奖励期间,继续注册至少6个4000-5000级学分. (Enrollment in fewer credits during the final semester is acceptable, if the student is taking all the credits needed to complete the degree. 如果学生在该学期未完成学位,则该入学豁免将不适用于未来的学期。

Note that in accordance with BOR policy 940.41, the Montana Tech Graduate Student Tuition Policy 为获得GTA或GRA支持的研究生教学助理(GTA)或研究生研究助理(GRA)设置学费,至少为4美元,000 per semester at the resident tuition level. Thus, 非蒙大拿州居民的gta和GRAs可获得等于居民和非居民学费差额的TARA豁免. The TARA waiver is limited to four semesters for a master's student.

Little Scholarship

The Ronald & 杰西·利特尔研究生捐赠奖学金是为在工业界工作至少八(8)年后返回学校的菲律宾十大彩票平台学院研究生设立的. 如果你在8年前获得学士学位,并且毕业后一直在工业界工作,那么你可以申请小奖学金.


西部州际高等教育委员会(WICHE)成立于55年前,旨在促进西部各州之间高等教育资源的共享. One of the programs established is the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP). WRGP以合理的成本为西部15个州的学生提供许多高质量的研究生课程. More importantly, it includes a wide range of graduate programs designed around the educational, social, and economic needs of the West.

蒙大拿州理工大学为所有来自WICHE州的学生提供150%的校内研究生学位. Our Master of Science programs are in Ecological Restoration; Electrical Engineering; Environmental Engineering; General Engineering with options in mechanical or civil; Geosciences with options in engineering geology, geology, geological engineering, hydrogeology, hydrogeological engineering, geochemistry, and geophysical engineering; Industrial Hygiene; Materials Science and Engineering; Metallurgical Engineering; Mining Engineering; and Petroleum Engineering. 我们有地球科学与工程和材料科学的博士学位课程以及修复和计算机科学的研究生证书.

The following states participate in WICHE/WRGP:

  • Alaska 
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Mexico
  • North Dakota
  • Northern Marianas Islands
  • Oregon
  • South Dakota
  • Utah
  • Washington
  • Wyoming

通过WRGP注册的学生有资格以这15个州的居民学费注册, and are not required to demonstrate financial need.

The following programs are part of the WRGP-WICHE Program at Montana Tech:

  • Metallurgical/Mineral Processing
  • Geosciences