

公园 & 花岗岩街道关闭-见 迂回路线 

Here at Montana Tech, we know students are at the heart of what we do. 这就是为什么我们努力确保 students have equal access to our exceptional campus, activities, and programs, as is their 公民权利受法律保障 美国残疾人法案, 康复法案第504条,和 公平住房法

平等机会 is defined by the Office of Civil Rights as when "a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, 参与相同的互动, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally effective and equally integrated manner, 具有基本相同的易用性. The person with a disability must be able to obtain the information as fully, equally and independently as a person without a disability."

To do this, we collaborate with campus and community partners to provide reasonable accommodations. 这样的安排“公平的竞争环境”, and are determined on a case-by-case basis by student's documentation and personal history, 然后根据每个人的情况量身定制. 



  1. 预约 讨论您的访问需求.
  2. 请填写 新生申请.
  3. 提交文档,遵循我们的 的指导方针.


  • 即将到来的!

教师 & 工作人员

  • 即将到来的!

父母 & 监护人

  • 即将到来的!

如果是学生, 教员, 工作人员, or vistor runs into an accessibility barrier (programmic, 物理, 电子/数字, 态度, 等.)。 请报告 以便尽快解决这个问题.


Our purpose is to continually monitor for accessibility barriers and work with relevant partners to address and resolve access issues.

We provide designated ADA seating and additional handicapped parking spaces near the HPER for visitors with disabilities attending graduation. 随时了解 毕业典礼安排 并制定相应的计划!

Anyone coming to campus should know that 孤峰 sits at a very high altitude. There is a risk of altitude sickness or shortness of breath until you have acclimated to the climate. 我们的校园坐落在几座山上, so those with mobility issues should take necessary precautions.

我们的校园独特而历史悠久. 蒙大拿州理工学院于1900年首次开放, there are buildings on campus that are over 100 years old. Back then, buildings were not created with accessibility in mind. Knowing this, we do our best to accommodate students while preserving historic integrity. Three of our buildings (Main Hall, 工程 Hall, & Prospector Hall) are set to undergo much needed renovations within the next few years, 但在那之前, 那些大楼里没有可用的电梯.

春天 & fall weather can be unpredictable and temperatures may drop or rise anywhere from 10 - 30 学位s depending on the day. 

Summers are very pleasant and don't usually exceed 89° 华氏(31° 摄氏度), but there are many cloudless days where the sun may beat down on you, 所以记得涂防晒霜, 喝水, 找到阴凉的地方. 夏天也是野火多发季节, 烟雾会使呼吸困难, 堵塞的鼻子, 和/或刺激眼睛. 请浏览 Montana Department of Natural 资源 and Conservation 了解更多关于如何应对野火的知识.

Winters are long, dry, and cold, with temperatures sometimes in the negatives. Neither campus nor 孤峰 typically shut down for winter weather.

项目 & 研讨会

教师 may request staff curated workshops for students instead of cancelling class.


Shauna Goodell
残疾人服务 & 可访问性协调员

1440 W. 公园圣.
巴特,MT 59701