迈克尔大师Professor of Anthropology
Main Hall Room 108B
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我得了B.A. 2000年从俄亥俄州雅典市的俄亥俄大学获得人类学和法语学位,并完成了我的博士学位.D. at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio in 2009. I’ve taught biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, 考古, economic anthropology and globalization, 社会学, and cultural diversity at The Ohio State University, Columbus State Community College, and The Ohio Dominican University in Columbus, 在接受菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的助理教授职位之前.

我的论文研究涉及现代人在眼眶和整个颅面解剖上的变异, 以及对人类脑化和面部前突减少的长期趋势的研究, 以及这些形态变化在多大程度上与体型变化有关, 形状, and orientation of the eye orbit. 先前的研究还包括通过人体测量指标对19世纪和20世纪俄亥俄州监狱囚犯的健康和社会经济地位进行研究, 并协助调查吼猴的人口结构和觅食模式, 卷尾猴, 以及哥斯达黎加库鲁野生动物保护区的蜘蛛猴.

I have participated in archaeological excavations at a 3.5年前的 Australopithecus africanus site in Makapansgat cave, South Africa; an Upper & Middle Paleolithic Neanderthal site in Southern France, 并指导考古学校研究史前野牛的杀戮, butcher and habitation sites in Southwest Montana.

Research Interests

My research centers on investigating human ocular, 轨道, midfacial, cerebral and neurocranial morphology, 以及这些特征之间的竞争如何在个体发育过程中限制眼睛和周围的眼组织, as it relates to the disparate incidence & severity of astigmatism and juvenile-onset myopia. This interdisciplinary research uses MRIs & associated clinical data from a large sample of humans, and is carried out using multiple imaging, statistical and geometric morphometric tools.

进一步的研究兴趣集中在对人类生物文化进化的研究上, 天体生物学, 天文学和时间物理学,因为它们与UFO现象有关. 我的新书, 识别飞行物:UFO现象的多学科科学方法, 他仔细研究了“不明飞行物”和“外星人”可能只是我们遥远的人类后裔的前提, 利用时间旅行的人类学工具来拜访和研究我们, as members of their own hominin evolutionary past. 这篇文章挑战读者考虑新的可能性,同时培养关于我们对时间和时间旅行不断发展的理解的对话.

选定的荣誉 & 奖

  • 2020 – Montana Tech 教师 Merit Award
  • 2016 – Montana Tech 教师 Merit Award
  • 2014 – Rose and Anna Busch 教师 Achievement Award
  • 2013 – Montana Tech 教师 Merit Award
Discussed: What If Aliens Are Future Humans?
with Mike Masters | Episode 5


  • Montana Tech: Professor (2018 – present)
  • Montana Tech: Associate Professor (2013 – 2018)
  • Montana Tech: Assistant Professor (2009 – 2013)
  • 俄亥俄州立大学人类学系讲师(2008-2009)
  • 俄亥俄州立大学:人类学系讲师(2002-2008)
  • Columbus State CC: Instructor in School of Social & Behavioral Sciences (2005-2009)
  • 俄亥俄州多明尼加大学:社会学系讲师 & Anthropology (2005-2006)
  • Ohio State University: G.R.A. in School of Journalism and Communications (2004-2005)
  • Ohio State University: T.A. in School of Journalism and Communications (2002-2004)
  • 美国俄亥俄大学人类学系研究助理(2000-2001)


  • Anthropology 467 - Field School in Archaeology
  • Anthropology 329 - Culture Change and Global Development
  • Anthropology 315 - Forensic Anthropology
  • Anthropology 122 - Race and Minorities - On-line
  • Anthropology 101 - Introduction to Anthropology
  • Anthropology 101 - Introduction to Anthropology – On-line 
  • Sociology 101 - Introduction to Sociology
  • Sociology 101-02 - Introduction to Sociology - On-line
  • Communications 561 - Quantitative Research Methods

Selected Publications

大师们,米. (2020)超越米老鼠:永恒的卡通童形. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 171 (S69) 180.

其次,年代. & 大师们,米. (2020) Human orbit size and latitude. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 171 (S69) 291.

大师们,米.P. (2019)《十大可靠彩票平台》. 978-1733634069

佩雷拉高佩德罗. S., 大师们,米., & 布鲁纳,E. (2017). 现代人类和原始人眼眶和颅内结构空间关系的形状分析. Journal of Anatomy, 231(6), 947-960.

大师们,米.布鲁纳,E.酷儿,S.特雷纳,S., & Senjem J. (2015). Analysis of the volumetric relationship among human ocular, 轨道 and fronto‐occipital cortical morphology. Journal of Anatomy, 227(4), 460-473.

燃烧器,E.De la Cuetara, J., 大师们,米.天野H.大原N. (2014)功能颅脑学与脑进化:从古生物学到生物医学. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8:1662-5161

大师们,米. P.西拉古萨,V., & Riesinger J. (2014) Right-frontal left-occipital petalia torque asymmetry, 偏重, 和视觉系统:侧依赖性视觉敏锐度如何与人类大脑扭矩和侧边性相关的分析. American Journal of Human Biology. 26(2)272.

大师们,米.P. (2012)眼和眼窝的相对大小:用于检查人类青少年性近视病因和不同发病率的进化和颅面约束模型. Medical Hypotheses. 78(5) 649 - 656

Non-Academic Interests

徒步旅行, downhill and cross-country skiing, 钢琴, 曼陀林, 绘画, 建筑材料, 吃好食物, 高尔夫球, 咖啡, 飞蝇钓, 狩猎, 网球, 统计数据, 音乐节, 假期.

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